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What Types of Health Problems Can Stem Cells Repair?

bone marrow cells, nerve cells, blood cells

Cells that contribute to the body's ability to renew and repair its tissues are stem cells. They are unspecialized cells that can give rise to one or more different types of specialized cells, such as blood cells, bone marrow cells and nerve cells.  Unlike mature cells, which are permanently committed to their fate, stem cells can both renew themselves and create new cells of whatever tissue they belong to.

Asian countries appear to be studying and developing the use of stem cells for diabetes, more so than other countries.

The Ulcerous Vascular Surgical Department at the Capital Medical University School of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing has found ways to lower glucose levels with stem cells. They found that the co-culture of jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells with rat pancreatic cells can lower the blood glucose levels in rats with diabetes mellitus.  That is a start in developing mesenchymal stem cells which are located in bone marrow.

A large group of hospitals and universities, in Taipei, have gotten together and provided results showing that human mesenchymal stem cells derived from umbilical cords can differentiate into pancreatic lineage cells in vitro and function as insulin-producing cells both in vitro and in vivo.

A few studies that come to mind, in the U.S., have to do with repairing the body with stem cells.

According to the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology at the University of North Carolina, failures of fracture repair (nonunions) occur in 10% of all fractures.  They provided evidence of effects and mechanisms for transplanted mesenchymal stem cells insulin-like growth factor in fracture repair and potentially to treat nonunions.

The Department of Pathology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, also provided an overview that elucidated possible molecular mechanisms that can influence mesenchymal stem cell engraftment, differentiation, self-renewal, and ultimately increase wound repair.

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Preserving and restoring vision are key outcomes to be gained, balanced with necessary caution surrounding the risks associated with transplanting living cells with the potential to divide and undergo metaplastic changes, according to the Neural Stem Cell Institute, Regenerative Research Foundation.

These ocular studies, however, are in their early stages and progress will be swifter as these first trials produce data.  The Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of the Philippines, St. Luke's Medical Center and Pacific Eye and Laser Institute, all in the Philippines expand by saying, what is now known is that stem cell therapy can potentially replace degenerate photoreceptors and outer retinal cells.



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