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Are You a Lip Balm Addict?

 Do all of these pictures look familiar? Does this excite you? Then yes, you are a lip balm addict. So why doesn't anyone do anything about it. The reason is there is no medical problem with using lip balm. The problem is the inconvenience of having a tube of lip balm on your dashboard, in every room in your house and in every pocket of your coats. The embarrassment of putting the lip balm on in a restaurant, while at work or walking down a public street!

So, how do you stop using the stuff. According to the BBC, stop using it cold turkey!

Stop putting the balm on your lips, don't lick your licks and drink many glasses of water a day to keep your lips wet-moisturized.

Yes, that's right. If you feel your lips are drying out, that is because you are lacking water in your body. Drink water! The water will keep your lips wet and your hands the same.  A statement from JADA, the Journal of the American Dental Association, is the mouth is a window into the health of the body. It can show signs of nutritional deficiencies or general infection.  So a healthy mouth means a healthy body.

Now, if you have a cold sore, the treatment is a bit different.

According to NCBI, National Center for Biotechnology Information, lemon balm is beneficial for the treatment of a cold sore. The ACS, American Cancer Society also agrees that lip balm is a good treatment for mouth and cold sores.

Maybe, you would really like to try Jolly Rancher Green Apple?

So, we are now back to the original problem, how do you stop? Using lip balm is a Catch-22! Do you start using it because it is a necessity or stop using it because it is an inconvenience!


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