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Is Viagra Dependency a Medical Concern?


It is not new news that methamphetamine (meth) use has been shown to be associated with high-risk sexual behavior.  A meth mouth, on the left, shows the beginning effect of meth on the mouth.  Meth can block or lessen the effects of dental pain, so meth users often don't experience the pain that would be expected of such extensive tooth decay and gum disease.  Of course instant pain relief medications are on the market.

Men who have sex with men have the highest incidence of HIV infection in the United States.

Methamphetamine users were more likely to report lower rates of condom use and higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases, sex with injection drug users, use of other hard drugs, and multiple sex partners in the past 90 days, among adolescent boys and young men.  This results from this study are reported from the Division of General Academic Pediatrics at the Children’s Memorial Hospital at Northwestern University in Chicago and the Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at the Department of Pediatrics at The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore.  Unprotected anal sex is a significant risk factor for HIV transmission and acquisition in this group of men, and is closely associated, particularly with, crystal methamphetamine use.

According to the Canadian Aids Society, one of the biggest health risks from using crystal meth is the increased chance of HIV infection through unprotected and uninhibited sex while under the influence.  The sex drive is increased with meth and it also enhances the sexual experience and increases euphoria and reduces inhibitions.  Many times, safer sex is ignored while higher risk sexual activity increases greatly.  Combining meth, Viagra or other enhancement products creates even more of a health issue.

It is not really appropriate to blame Viagra for HIV, but it does contribute to it.  The San Francisco Department of Public Health finds that men who have sex with men and who use Viagra with crystal methamphetamine (meth) have high prevalence rates of HIV and engage in HIV risk behaviors.   A meth detection test may be necessary before taking Viagra.

Crystal meth is now spreading into mainstream, but it is popular with street youth, gay clubs and circuit parties.

There is strong evidence that the use of Viagra is associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) seroconversion (a specific antibody is detected in the blood) in heterosexual and homosexual men, according to a California State University.  On the other side of the country, a study by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center at Harvard Medical School in Boston found that HIV-infected men who have sex with men and who abuse crystal meth have worse HIV-related health outcomes.

With continuing use, methamphetamine affects the mind and body, robbing users of their physical health and decision making abilities, while damaging appearance eliminating people's ability to experience pleasure.



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