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Can Bone Loss from SNUS Lead to Cancer?

Let me start off that I can find no studies that indicate that bone loss from SNUS leads to cancer.  Matter-of-fact, I can find no evidence that bone loss in general leads to cancer.  What I can find is quite the contrary.  Cancer leads to bone loss and I have found studies supporting that.

The University of Southern Florida, College of Medicine in Tampa adds that bone complications of cancer are increasingly common with the elderly.  The College recommends that all patients 65 years of age and older are at risk of osteoporosis when treated with cytotoxic agents, and so should be screened for bone loss.

Cancer treatment can dramatically reduce bone density and increase the rate of bone turnover and the risk of fragility fractureSNUS is unassociated with cancer of the oropharynx, oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, lung or other sites, or with heart disease or stroke.

"Snuff-dipper's lesion" does not predict oral cancer, according to P.N. Lee Statistics and Computing Ltd, of the U.K.  By working closely with medical experts, P.N. Lee has extensive experience in the design and analysis of epidemiological studies.

It does seem a bit funny that SNUS leads to pancreatic cancer and an increased risk of colon cancer, but not colorectal or anal cancer, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.



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