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What Fragrance is Best to Reduce Fear In The Dental Office?


 There are many fears in this world.  Afraid of everything is panphobia, in case you were ever wondering, odontophobia happens to be the fear of teeth or dental surgery and dentophobia is a fear of receiving dental care.

Fragrances have been used in dental office waiting rooms to reduce fear in patients waiting for their dental treatment.  Is there any aroma that has been determined to be the best to reduce anxiety in the dental office.


Orange Oil provides a positive mood and a level of calmness

Essential oil of orange was found to be one of the  relaxing fragrances.  According to a study at the University Clinic of Neurology in Vienna Austria, Women who were exposed to orange odor had a lower level of state anxiety, a more positive mood, and a higher level of calmness.  A more recent study, from the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology at Utrecht University in The Netherlands, disagrees with the  Austrian University concluding that that neither orange nor apple odors have any effect on the anticipatory anxiety or mood of patients waiting for scheduled appointments in large dental clinics.

According to the University Clinic of Neurology at the Medical University of Vienna, Ambient odors of orange and lavender reduced anxiety and improved mood in patients waiting for dental treatment.


Jasmine Oil provides for the relief of depression


There has also been studies using aromas that are not so common and for situations that were not only involving anxiety in the dental office.  Jasmine oil is relaxing and calming at home too.  For instance, The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Srinakharinwirot University in Thailand has found that the stimulating/activating effect of jasmine oil provides evidence for its use in aromatherapy for the relief of depression and uplifting mood in humans.


Lavender Oil reduces anxiety and has relaxation effects


Lavender has been used in numerous studies in numerous countries.  It has been thought for centuries to have soothing properties.  Just to highlight a few of the more recent studies on lavender or lavender oil aromatherapy.

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I guess the best study of all indicates that not only does lavender reduce anxiety in the dental office, the Department of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine at Chiba University in Japan has findings which suggest that lavender aromatherapy has relaxation effects and may also have beneficial acute effects on coronary circulation.



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