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Is Whey Protein A Necessity In Your Diet?

whey by-product from cheese

Whey protein is all over.  Most of the products contain minimal sugar and minimal fat with a high amount of protein, like Gold Standard Whey, which contains 24 grams of whey protein/serving. Some whey proteins also contain gluten.  The Body Fortress Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor says gluten free; however, the Body Fortress Cookies n' Creme flavor does not. Body Fortress contains 30 grams of whey protein/serving.  BSN Syntha-6 protein amount is in between the two products above in regards to the amount of protein.  BSN Syntha-6 contains 22 grams/serving of protein.

This contains whey.... that contains whey.  What in the world is whey?   Whey is the liquid material, created as a by-product from cheese production.

Increase your lean tissue mass with whey

According to a study in 2001, by the Department of Human Kinetics, St. Francis Xavier University, in Nova Scotia Canada, lean tissue mass increased to a greater extent with training in whey protein and creatine monohydrate compared to the other groups, and in the whey compared to the placebo groupCreatine is a chemical that is normally found in the body, mostly in muscles. It is made by the body and can also be obtained from certain foods. Fish and meats are good sources of creatine. Creatine can also be made in the laboratory as documented in the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

The previous study notes that creatine is a good combination used with whey protein.  Several studies involving supplementation with whey protein have been shown to be effective in augmenting the effects of resistance exercise, particularly when supplementation occurs in the hours surrounding the exercise training, states Exercise Metabolism Unit, Center for Aging, Rehabilitation, Exercise and Sport and School of Biomedical Sciences at Victoria University, in Australia.


Creatine powder, that contains creatine, dextrose (sweetener) and citric acid.  Now Foods has a Creatine powder that is 100% creatine.  Optimum Nutrition Creatine powder is supposedly 99.9% pure and is made with their own creatine trademarked product called Creapure.
Research has been done by the Research and Development Department at Immunotec Research Ltd., in Quebec, Canada where case reports are presented which strongly suggest an anti-tumor effect of a whey protein dietary supplement in some urogenital cancers.

Whey can harden your tooth enamel


It appears that none of this information is new.  In  April of 1991 the Australian Dental Journal reported that both casein and whey protein seem to be involved in the reduction of enamel demineralization. Casein is the protein found in all mammals milk and also used as a binding agent

So, that's why all the health products include whey.


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