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Can You Get a Stroke From Smokeless Tobacco?

cardiovascular disease

There has been considerable debate on whether smokeless tobacco has any effect on cardiovascular disease.  Over a decade ago, the International Health Research Group, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, located in Liverpool England, states that there may be an association between smokeless tobacco use and cardiovascular disease.  The indecisive word is "may."  Although, there has always been a need for a larger sampling to confirm this.

More than 61 million people in the United States suffer from some form of cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, congestive heart failure, and other conditions.

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SNUS use definitely has a short-term effect on the cardiovascular system.


The relationship between SNUS use and a stroke is unclear.  There are two broad categories of stroke: those caused by a blockage of blood flow and those caused by bleeding into the brain.  The National of Neurological Disorders and Stroke put cigarette smoking as one of the most important treatable risk factors for a stroke.  In 2009, the Karolinska Institutet found that, overall, there was no association between use of SNUS and risk for cardiovascular disease. Their data did not support any strong association between SNUS use and risk for cardiovascular disease.

Any circulatory disease risk from smokeless tobacco appears to be substantially less than from smoking, and no clear risk from Swedish snuff is seen, according to  PN Lee Statistics and Computing Ltd., in Surrey, UK, a company that offers expert advise on statistical and computing issues, as well as, being involved in clinical trials with many companies.

Nicotine is unlikely to contribute to the possibility of a stroke.

According to a more recent study at the Department of Public Health Sciences at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, the use of SNUS was not associated with the risk of stroke, however, case fatality was increased in SNUS users, compared with nonusers.  This case fatality indicates that the use of snus may be associated with a higher risk of heart failure, according to the Department of Medical Sciences at Uppsala University.



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