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Is It Vital To Be Worried If You Have a Dry Mouth?


Dry mouth, also called xerostomia, can be caused by radiation therapy, where the salivary glands can be damaged because they are exposed to radiation during cancer treatment. Medications, used to treat cancer can make saliva thicker, causing dry mouth. According to the American Cancer Society, a side effect of many medications and over-the-counter medications can be the cause of dry mouth.

Medications cause dry mouth


The Mayo Clinic lists medications, such as, antihistamines, decongestants, painkillers, diuretics, antihypertensives, and antidepressants as a very common cause of dry mouth.  Dry mouth can also cause the gums to bleed. According to a study by the NCBI, National Center for Biotechnology, dry mouth did not effect oral mucosal lesions and gingival recession, but did cause the gingiva or gums to bleed.

Damaged nerves cause dry mouth

The nerves that tell the salivary glands to make saliva can be damaged by injury to the head or neck, therefore, causing dry mouth. Mouthwashes and mouth rinses with a high amount of alcohol have also been reported to cause a dry mouth. 

Remedies for dry mouth include sugar-free gum or candy to stimulate salivary flow, frequent sips of water, non-alcoholic oral rinses, restricted intake of caffeine, alcohol and carbonated beverages. Salivary flow is very important for the reduction in dental caries, according to the NCBI, National Center for Biotechnology Information. The ADA, American Dental Association, mentions that the physical act of chewing increases the flow of saliva in your mouth.

Diabetes causes dry mouth


According to the American Diabetes Association, many diabetic dental patients complain of dry mouth and there are many products that can help relieve the problem of dry mouth.

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There are some products that measure the PH of your saliva (and urine), so that you can monitor it as some diseases require you to. 


Healthy Wiser pH Test Strips are an easy and convenient way to monitor your pH levels for optimal health.  It is particularly helpful for people with diabetes, joint pain, arthritis who need keep track of their pH levels.

Puna pH Test Strips, are super sensitive, easier to read than pH paper and give 15 second results.

Micro Essential Labs Test Paper contains an easy to read pH color graph.  Easier to handle than strips, therefore, has less waste.



1 comment:

  1. I tried GC Dry Mouth Gel because my dentist advised me to try it. She said that my dry mouth was caused because I take a lot of medications. I like the gel because I had a lot of choices in the flavors. The flavors are very good. I tried the raspberry and fruit salad flavor. My dentist also said that it has no artificial sweeteners.
