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Should You Be Offended If Your Dentist Offers You Diet Advice?

Since the exposure to fluoride, negative dental health has weakened, however, it has not diminished.  It is still necessary for dental professionals to educate their dental patients on improving their eating habits.

Sources of sugar has changed

Research has unequivocally shown sugars to be the main aetiological factor for dental caries.  According to the School of Dental Sciences, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, repeat dietary surveys of English children over three decades indicate that levels of sugars intake have remained stable, while sources of sugars have changed considerably, with the contribution from soft drinks more than doubling since 1980.

Dental Health significantly affects overall health


 There are some areas of concentration that have singled out by numerous studies.  These bullet points are given to make you aware of the information.  It is up to each of individually to maintain our health as needed, as well, as educate others.



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