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Does Diet Relate To The Development Of Your Mouth?

According to the January 2012 issue of the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, Diet influences the development of the oral cavity: depending on whether there is an early or late nutritional imbalance, the consequences are certainly different.  Many people are not really clear how much influence your diet has on health, never-the-less your oral health.

A study done by the Restorative Dentistry, Dental Institute, King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London states that dental students were mainly concerned with oral health problems (for example, acid erosion), while dietetic and nutrition students were mainly concerned with general health problems (for example, obesity).  Even though dentists don't necessarily teach dietary management, less than one half of the dental students in this study, believed they had received the appropriate training for dietary management.

Diet and nutrition affect the development of a healthy mouth


Many dental patients may not be aware of the effects nutrition and diet have on the development and maintenance of a healthy mouth in order to have teeth without caries.  For instance, a shortage of vitamins and minerals in the phase before conception influences the development of the future embryo, influencing dental organogenesis, the growth of the maxilla (upper jaw), and skull/facial development.  An insufficient supply of carbohydrates can lead to caries and periodontal disease.


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