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Does High Consumption of SNUS Point To Type 2 Diabetes?

Adverse health effects of snus use have not been clearly identified as I did not find many studies.  WebMD states that snus is also linked to mouth sores, dental cavities, heart attack, stroke, and diabetes risk, but it was very difficult to find more detailed and specific information on this this topic. 

A couple of studies I did find, however, were both done in Sweden and the two are not complimentary.  One study was done by the Department of Medicine at Sunderby Hospital in Sweden, to determine if the influence of smoking and snus had any effect on promoting Type 2 Diabetes.  There were 3384 men studied, aged 25-74.  The study determined that the risk of diabetes for snus users was not significantly increased.  Smoking was associated with prevalent and incident cases of diabetes.

Another study more recently done, again in Sweden, but this time at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Endocrine and Diabetes Unit at the Karolinska Institute.  This 10 year study indicates that a high consumption of snus, like smoking, predicts the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.  Therefore, when deciding that you should quit smoking because of the health effects and moving to snus, you may have continuing health problems.

This only goes to show you that your mouth is linked to your overall health.



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