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The Beginners Guide To Reducing Cavities Naturally?

reduce prevent cavities

The carioprotective effect of honey has been adduced to its antibacterialproperty, which prevents the growth of the bacteria that can cause dental caries, according to the combined effort of the Department of Physiology at the University of Nigeria, the Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology at the University of Pretoria in South Africa and the School of Physiology, Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa.

Fruit juice consists of sucrose and honey consists of fructose and glucose


These three African Universities also found, in one electron microscopy study, that honey consumption was found to be safer and less harmful to oral health than drinking fruit juice.  Fruit juice does contain sugar, as soft drinks do, but honey consists of fructose and glucose.  Both of these sugars are directly absorbed by our bodies and easier to digest.

Honey could be used for the deterrence of cavities


Similarly, a study done by the Dental Research Center in the Department of Oral Medicine at the University of Medical Sciences in Iran also states that the antibacterial activity of honey could be used for prevention and reduction of dental caries.

It seems this study about honey and its antibacterial properties are not new as in 1996, the Department of Oral Biology at the Hebrew University-Hadassah in Jerusalem found that honey induced bacteria growth at low concentrations, while at high concentrations honey had an inhibitory effect on bacterial growth in vitro.

It was a little amazing to me that I could not find a single study of honey and oral health that took place in the United States.  I know the U.S. loves sugar, but I am not sure why the two were never compared.



YS Organic Bee Farms Certified Organic Raw Honey
Organic bee colonies are not maintained with the use of any chemicals! 
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