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The Ultimate Reason Physicians to Blame for High Healthcare Costs

high healthcare costs

The Division of General Internal Medicine at the Mayo Clinic sent a survey to 3897 randomly selected physicians from the American Medical Association directory, where 65% responded.  A breakdown in the numbers shows that most believed that trial lawyers (60%), health insurance companies (59%), hospitals and health systems (56%), pharmaceutical and device manufacturers (56%), and patients (52%) have a "major responsibility" for reducing health care costs, whereas only 36% reported that practicing physicians have "major responsibility.

Physicians are unaware of patients finances


According to the Division of General Internal Medicine at the VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System, Out of 133 responses from 205 participants, 65% response rate, Physicians reported that they were often unaware of patients' out-of-pocket costs at the time of prescribing. Fifty-nine percent of physicians reported that they never or seldom were aware of patients' "preferred" (lower cost) formulary options when prescribing, and 70% never or seldom were aware of patients' out-of-pocket costs when prescribing.

Is does appear that physicians are willing to accept some of the blame, but they are not willing to accept all of it.  A panel of 18 physicians took part in a discussion and agreed that meaningful
consumer engagement requires better communication and guidance from physicians, more willingness from consumers, and greater investments in prevention. as published in Medical Economics.
A panel of 18 physicians took part in an effort by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to reach consensus on solutions to help halt the rise of healthcare expenses - See more at: http://medicaleconomics.modernmedicine.com/medical-economics/news/halting-rise-healthcare-costs-physician-panel-presents-five-solutions#sthash.LhWTRh92.dpuf
While some members would like to see incentives for providers discussing costs with patients, many of the panelists were skeptical that patients could “effectively digest and utilize” information about cost and treatment options. Also, encouraging widespread changes in patient behavior when it comes to prevention and wellness is critical to alleviating costs - See more at: http://medicaleconomics.modernmedicine.com/medical-economics/news/halting-rise-healthcare-costs-physician-panel-presents-five-solutions#sthash.LhWTRh92.dpuf



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