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Does Drinking Alcohol Affect the Reliability of Dental Implants?

Alcoholism is concerning to many aspects of medicine.  Numerous studies have been done on animals to confirm the problems that excessive drinking can cause.  The studies referenced here have to do with long-term effects on dental implants.  Alcohol affects the bone repair around dental titanium implants.   The AAOMS, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, confirms that dental implants are composed of titanium metal that "fuses" with the jawbone through a process called "osseointegration".

Alcohol fed rabbits were studied at the Laboratory of Implantology, Department of Anatomy at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences at the University of São Paulo, which showed that alcoholic rabbits demonstrated significantly less bone density and direct bone-to-implant contact.

Rats have also been studied and alcohol abuse affects bone repair and decreases the ability to form bone around standard titanium, according to studies done on rats at the Laboratory of Experimental Surgery, Research Institute Codivilla-Putti, in Bologna, Italy

The present results indicate that daily alcohol consumption and tobacco use may have a negative influence on predictable long-term implant treatment outcomes, producing peri-implant bone loss and compromising restorative treatment with implant-supported prostheses, which was studied at the Oral Surgery Department, School of Dentistry at Cartuja University Campus at the University of Granada in Granada, Spain.  A different type of implant material should be considered for persons with alcoholism, maybe zirconia, since osseointegration of zirconia implants is similar to titanium implants, states the Department of Operative and Preventive Dentistry and Endodontics at Heinrich-Heine-University.

The American Dental Society has two separate procedures for implants.  One procedure refers to inserting a screw into the bone for a dental implant and and the dental crown placed on the screw in the mouth, which is called endosseous.  Transosseous, on the other hand, refers to a series of screws going through the bottom of the front part of the jaw and a dental implant attaching to the screws in the mouth.

The good news is even though alcoholism effects the rebuilding of bone around implants, there are very few cases of this problem causing cancer. According to JADA, Journal of the American Dental Association, the development of squamous cell carcinoma around dental implants, either endosseous or transosseous, is an uncommon pathological manifestation with only a few cases described in the literature.  Usually, these cases are associated with a history of oral cancer or smoking.

According to WebMD, some ways to strengthen bones are to look at animals with strong bones and what they eat.  Cows and elephants are strong boned animals and they eat leafy greens.  Amazing Grass Organic Wheat Grass contains 100% whole wheat grass, which is just as healthy for cows to eat.  Vitamin D is another source for strong bones, so 20 minutes a day in the sun with no sunblock is a WebMD recommendation.  Maybe you have had a week of rain and need some Sunny Gummies or Life Extension Vitamin D Softgels to add Vitamin D to your diet.

Another building block of strong bones is protein, including beans, fish, chicken and nuts.  A tablespoon of vinegar added to 8 cups of water will pull the calcium out of the bones.


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